15th February 2025

Search Coleorton Parish Council

Coleorton Parish Council Serving the people of Coleorton

Walks & Footpaths

The parish of Coleorton has an extensive network of public footpaths. Some say this is because workers at Coleorton Hall would walk the shortest distance across the fields from their outlying cottages. But looking at some of the footpaths on the map they seem much more random. We also have parts of The Ivanhoe Way which is a circular route around Leicestershire and the Mining Heritage Trail.

We should be proud of our footpaths and look after them so please be careful, don't damage vegetation or trees along the path, leave gates as you found them and don't drop litter. There's more about footpaths in the County at https://www.leicestershire.gov.uk/roads-and-travel/cycling-and-walking/where-to-walk-in-leicestershire where you can also find a link to a form to report a blocked, unusable or unsafe footpath.

Apparently (not sure how true this is), there are more footpaths in the parish of Coleorton than any other parish in the country.

Whether it's true or not, there are a lot! The County Council does a good job of trying to keep them all accessible and nicely way-marked but they have the whole of Leicestershire to look after.

We have been approached by a number of parishioners new to the footpath network who have expressed frustration that some paths and stiles were overgrown, almost to the point of being inaccessible and some way markers had disappeared.

Although the upkeep of footpaths falls largely under the remit of Leicestershire County Council, and local landowners where footpaths cross their land, the Parish Council is happy to assist with identifying issues and working with the footpaths team at LCC to maintain easy access to a great asset which can be enjoyed by all. If you see a problem please send as much detail as you can, including photographs if possible, to clerk@coleorton-pc.gov.uk and the Council will co-ordinate responses back to LCC.

Last updated: Wed, 21 Aug 2024 00:29